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Your minor child may be filled with excitement as they head out to start trick-or-treating this Halloween. But as they are focused on the fun of this activity, you must serve as their supervisor at all times and focus on their safety. And if they still incur an injury after an abundance of caution being practiced, you must soon after hold the negligent party accountable by taking legal action. Follow along to find out how your child might get injured while trick-or-treating and how a proficient Washington, D.C. premises liability lawyer at Simeone & Miller, LLP can assist in your legal action.

In what ways might my child get injured while trick-or-treating?

Unfortunately, your child can get injured in between the short time and distance from when they enter a private property to when they receive candy from a property owner. And sadly, this may be regardless of whether you are intently supervising them. Common trick-or-treating injury examples are as follows:

  • Your child may slip and fall due to dim lighting along the walkways and steps.
  • Your child may slip and fall due to loose a Halloween decoration and its cords on the walkways.
  • Your child may get a burn injury due to jack-o-lantern with open flames near the walkways.
  • Your child may get a bite injury due to an unleashed dog near the walkways.
  • Your child may get a respiratory injury due to excess fog machines filling the walkways.

If any of the aforementioned instances apply to your child, then you must file a premises liability claim on their behalf.

How might my child get injured while walking door-to-door?

There are even potential dangers posed for your child as they walk door-to-door. This is especially the case if they are trick-or-treating in a neighborhood that does not have designated sidewalks. Without further ado, examples are as follows:

  • Your child may slip and fall due to wet leaves or cracks on the designated sidewalks.
  • Your child may be injured while waiting to cross the street due to a designated standing area being covered in a pile of leaves.
  • Your child may get injured while passing a driveway due to a driver’s failure to check their surroundings.
  • Your child may get injured while walking alongside a road due to a driver’s failure to use headlights.
  • Your child may be injured at a crosswalk due to a driver speeding, failing to yield, or running through a red light.

Again, if any of the above scenarios happened to your child, then you must serve as their advocate in a personal injury claim. The first step you must take in your claim is to retain the services of a talented Washington, D.C. injury lawyer. So call us at Simeone & Miller, LLP today.