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After you become involved in a personal injury accident, likely the last thing you want to do is deal with a legal matter. But the truth of the matter is that taking legal action may just be the only way to recuperate the financial compensation that you require to heal. So, you may want to hire a lawyer that will take the lead in navigating these legal proceedings. Follow along to find out what processes you can expect for your case and how a proficient Washington, D.C. injury lawyer at Simeone & Miller, LLP can work on your behalf.

What sequence of processes can I expect for my personal injury case?

Each personal injury case is unique and therefore takes a varying duration of time to complete. But regardless, they follow the same sequence of processes, which is as follows:

  • The initial consultation: this is when you may sit down with a lawyer to discuss the specific circumstances surrounding your personal injury accident, along with solidifying which legal action is best to take.
  • The paperwork process: this is when you and your lawyer may fill out the initial paperwork necessary to file your claim, along with writing a letter to the other party regarding your intention to sue.
  • The discovery process: this is when you and your lawyer may produce documents, gather witness statements, and more that directly tie your personal injury accident to the negligence of the other party.
  • The trial process: this is when you and the other party will make arguments for your respective sides of the case in the presence of a jury.
  • The verdict: this is when the jury will declare whether they rule in favor of you or the other party.
  • The collection process: this is when you retrieve the financial reward that the jury has granted you, either in a lump sum or in broken down payments, if they have ruled in your favor.

What can I do to shorten my case proceedings?

The trial process is typically the longest part of a personal injury case. This is because you may be at the mercy of the courts in regard to your court date. In a worst-case scenario, the caseload in your jurisdiction may be so backed up that your court date may be scheduled for months out in the future or otherwise consistently rescheduled.

However, this may all be avoided if you negotiate a settlement agreement via mediation. This all depends on your willingness to receive less money than you were originally seeking, along with the other party’s willingness to settle.

There is no time like the present to get your legal case in order. So pick up the phone and call a talented Washington, D.C. injury lawyer from Simeone & Miller, LLP today. We are looking forward to it.