construction hat site

It is sad but true that you cannot fully trust that a property owner will uphold their duty of care. In other words, when entering someone else’s property, you must proceed with caution to avoid any potential safety hazards. But even still, sometimes there is no avoiding a hazardous condition. Follow along to find out where slip and fall accidents most commonly occur and how a proficient Washington, D.C. premises liability lawyer at Simeone & Miller, LLP can help you in this event.

At what locations do slip and fall accidents most commonly occur?

It is an unfortunate truth that slip and fall accidents may occur at just about any location. The most common locations are as follows:

  • At a construction site:
    • There may be missing guardrails or safety net systems for dangerous equipment used.
    • There may be damaged or weakened scaffolding that does not support the intended load.
  • In the workplace:
    • There may be missing handrails in the stairwells.
    • There may be spilled liquids without proper “wet floor” signage posted.
  • At a bar or restaurant:
    • There may be loose or raised carpeting throughout the dining location.
    • There may be a faulty or poorly built barstool or chair within the dining location.
  • At a grocery store or retail store:
    • There may be spilled or loose products throughout the aisles.
    • There may be unfastened product displays throughout the aisles.
  • In a parking lot or garage:
    • There may be severe blindspots for drivers and pedestrians.
    • There may be an absence of handicap-assessable parking spots or walkways.
  • On a sidewalk or walkway:
    • There may be inadequate lighting throughout the walkway.
    • There may be inadequate security throughout the walkway.

What should I do if I slip and fall?

No matter where your slip and fall accident occurs, it was likely due to the carelessness of a property owner. This is why, in any event, you must strongly consider pursuing legal action against this negligent party.

For your slip and fall accident claim, you must preserve and submit a sufficient amount of evidence that shows the fault of the property owner. At the same time, this evidence should show that you could not have avoided the hazardous condition even after practicing an abundance of caution. Examples of proper pieces of proof include photos of your injuries and the hazardous condition; security camera footage of your accident playing out; an incident report; medical reports and bills; and more. As you may likely conclude yourself, your work toward your legal action starts while you are still at the scene of your accident.

At the end of the day, you must not hurt your chances of a successful slip and fall accident claim. So please retain the services of a talented Washington, D.C. injury lawyer from Simeone & Miller, LLP as soon as you can.