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Premises liability accidents occur throughout Washington, D.C., the most common being slip and fall accidents. Regardless of where yours may have occurred, you must take the proper measures toward recovering your damages and obtaining justice. The best way to do this may be through a claim against the negligent property owner. Continue reading to learn what the deadline for this claim is and how an experienced Washington, D.C. premises liability lawyer at Simeone & Miller, LLP can help you meet it.

What is the statute of limitations for premises liability claims in Washington, D.C.?

Premises liability claims are a type of personal injury claim. That being said, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Washington, D.C. is typically three years. Meaning, you have three years from the date of your premises liability accident to file your claim. If you wait any longer, you may ultimately and indefinitely lose your right to sue.

There may be unique circumstances surrounding a case that extend or shorten this deadline. Nonetheless, the golden rule is to bring your claim forward sooner rather than later.

What is the Notice of Claim?

Say, for instance, that you sustained your injury on a Washington, D.C.-owned property. In this case, the negligent property owner would be the Washington, D.C. entity and you would direct your claim toward them. However, you cannot proceed forward with your claim unless you file a Notice of Claim beforehand.

In a sense, a Notice of Claim serves as a “heads up” to the Washington, D.C. entity that you intend to sue them. There is a deadline for filing this separate from the statute of limitations, and it is typically 180 days, or otherwise six months. Meaning you have six months from the date of your accident, which is an even tighter turnaround time.

Importantly, your Notice of Claim should disclose the following pieces of information:

  • Your identity, which may include your legal name, your date of birth, your home address, your work and home phone numbers, etc.
  • The date on which your accident occurred.
  • The time in which your accident occurred.
  • The hazardous condition on the premises that prompted your injuries and damages.
  • The types of injuries or damages that you incurred.
  • Your explanation as to why you believe Washington, D.C. should be held liable for your injuries and damages.

Though optional, it may also be helpful to submit any police reports, estimates for repairs, and other relevant documents that have become available to you.

Premises liability claims become all the more difficult when the property owner refuses to take responsibility for the accident. Without further ado, you must retain the services of a skilled Washington, D.C. injury lawyer immediately. We can assure you that we are passionate about your case, so contact us today.